Sustainable Design + Implementation with The Land Art Generator
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- 4 years ago
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- Starts 74 seconds
We're really trying to do is applying the best practices of creative placemaking and participatory design for communities, which is a well-established discipline to the energy landscape. Transformation because we need to recognize that these solar installations, wind installations or other kinds of renewable energy power plants are really adaptable, can be distributed.
They can be right into places that we live and work, and they're gonna transform our visual landscape, like nothing since the advent of the automobile brought the super highways across the world. We need to think proactively about what that actual implementation looks like. And so it's time for the energy developer community to really merge with the community design community to, to think about how this happens properly and equitably.
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- 4 years ago
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- Starts 206 seconds
It really comes down to the fact this cannot be a cookie cutter approach. Where vacant lots are identified for community solar and they are fence with barbed, wire and panels are put on the grounds and, you know, security cameras keep people out and it becomes this other, this thing that is a necessary evil in our community.
And it really doesn't have to be that way because solar is so versatile. It can Provide so many co-benefits and create beautiful places for people. And so if we can do that correctly, then we can serve the overall energy transition in a much better and more productive way and lead to more deployment.
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- 4 years ago
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- Starts 451 seconds
So there's a whole slew of potential rich conceptual framework to, to work within. And so what the narrative, what the story that the teams are telling through their creative expression is unique to every team. Some teams are interested in engaging the public about their perceptions of climate change.
Some are interested in communicating real time data. Through information graphics, whether that's illumination or text or some other means that show how the renewable energy is functioning. How much energy is creating an a moment in time, over a period of time. And so there are all a lot of different ways that teams approach the design brief based on what kind of story they want to tell.
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- 4 years ago
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- Starts 879 seconds
It has to do with the physical property, a certain materials that are called piezoelectric materials, some ceramics a lot of materials have piezoelectric properties, but some have incredibly strong properties, which basically the consequences that when they're when there's pressure applied to the material, it gives off an electric charge. And conversely, if you take an electric charge to the material, you can actually bend it. It responds to electricity and its physical manifestation.
So by stacking these kinds of pieces of electric actuators as they're called, you could potentially provide a significant amount of electricity production by the wind bending these materials. That's the theory.