Nelly Bonilla
By Nelly Bonilla
I share expert tips on natural dog care, wellness, and strengthening the bond with your canine frien...
💜 OMG, important
💤 NBD, not that important
I share expert tips on natural dog care, wellness, and strengthening the bond with your canine friends.
Hello, everyone. I'm Nelly, passionate about enhancing the bond between dog parents and their canine companions. Meet Yenko, the four-legged "Butter Bear" who turned my world upside down. From deciphering the best diet to mastering the art of training, Yenko taught me the ropes of dog parenthood. Starting The Combine Dog was born out of these real-life struggles and victories. My mission is to inspire action among dog parents, offering insights into confident canine care, enhancing canine nutrition, and strengthening the human-canine bond. Through our visual podcast, 'You, Me & the Dogs,' we share valuable experiences and stories from fellow dog enthusiasts. In this community, we believe responsible dog ownership goes beyond safety; it's about being the best caregivers to our companions. Join me on this journey of learning and celebrating our unique bond with our dogs.
Tell me about yourself, and let's kickstart an amazing podcast episode collaboration.