
Tony Lopes

By Tony Lopes
CEO, coach, speaker & bestselling author of, Freedom at Risk, Tony is passionate about helping peopl...

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💤 NBD, not that important

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CEO, coach, speaker & bestselling author of, Freedom at Risk, Tony is passionate about helping people protect their personal and financial freedoms.

Tony Lopes is a first-generation American, the CEO of Dirty Boots Capital, a real estate professional, bestselling author, coach, and speaker. He earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA from UMass. He worked in the defense industry for 19 years managing multi million dollar programs while simultaneously building a portfolio residential income properties. His investments, coupled with his understanding of markets and economics allowed him to retire at age 44. What really drives Tony is sharing his knowledge and experience so that others can achieve financial independence and enjoy the same level of freedom he does.


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