
Steven Walker

By Steven Walker
I'm 38 y/o with a musical and science bg. who found peace living in the forest, overcoming mental he...

World / Critical Thinking




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I'm 38 y/o with a musical and science bg. who found peace living in the forest, overcoming mental health obstacles & toxic people, I'd love to share experiences and knowledge to help people.

Steven Walker is an onsite property manager of a vast, storied rustic property in the Cleveland Natl. Forest, CA. His sense of pride in caring for his employee image and home taps into a deep well of initiative, taking up endless tasks and projects to the benefit of the property residents and visitors, recognized by his employer as one to go above and beyond all predecessors in a multitude of congratulated ways. Over the first two decades of his adult life, Steven has tried a multitude of jobs, and found ease in self-teaching creative hobbies, earning a bevy of fans. During college, he spent 10 years in a major food testing micro lab, demonstrating a prowess to go from an entry-level prep technician to the highest technician role, navigating all stations in the lab while entrusted with QC and inventory side-duties, turning down a supervisory path out of preference. In his home life, a bevy of creative output led to his work & himself on stages, DJing weddings & events, appearing on livestreams, front page content outlets, broadcasts, and content feeds. These experiences taught him priceless life lessons at a young age. Throughout all of this exposure he encountered the edges of his comfort in such a lifestyle, it taught him that betting his long term life enjoyment on a career of performance and obligated creation is not his path. His rural position has shown him that he belongs alone in nature, finding inner peace and happiness away from the noise of the city. Though he loves socializing and has met many friends via online communities and flights. During his lab work, Steven recognized the importance of the scientific process, critical thinking skills, and mental health, areas that we face a widespread lack of public understanding on. Being a longtime listener of science podcasts, such as The Skeptics Guide to the Universe, and the more comedic Geologic Podcast, he is a regular presence in the SGU community. These resources helped expand his critical thinking toolbox enough to have facilitated success in the difficult feat of guiding loved ones from serious health risks & losing money from alt. medicine. When Steven is not keeping up with his science podcasts and contacts, or working in & enjoying his oak tree shaded hills with his Heeler, he can be found dirt biking, hiking, working with his hands on DIY projects and cabin upgrades, with some time spent enjoying various digital creative hobbies and entertainment.

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