
Abigail Rebecca

By Abigail Rebecca
“Your Soul Was Born With a Visibility Strategy. Human Design is a Tool That Simply Reveals it.”

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“Your Soul Was Born With a Visibility Strategy. Human Design is a Tool That Simply Reveals it.”

Abigail Rebecca is a Human Design Visibility Coach. She runs global retreats and online events to help visionary women activate their unique Human Design so they can grow their conscious business empire without the hustle. Two years into her business, Abigail was feeling so frustrated because she wasn't attracting the number of soul clients and business opportunities that she truly desired. She’d invested all her savings and inheritance in training programmes and coaches that embodied the hustle culture. She was burnt out and overwhelmed. She was so worried about being judged and criticised that she wasn’t expressing herself confidently and visibly and she felt like an imposter. It was only when she reached out and learnt how to do things in a different way that she was able to be more authentically visible and finally grow my business. She discovered Human Design. Her biggest breakthrough was when she learnt that as a Projector, she’s not designed to hustle and initiate. She’s designed to wait for the invitation. Her energy shifted and she became a magnet to her ideal clients. Not only was she attracting wonderful women who wanted to hire her as their coach, she was also being invited to speak, collaborate and share her knowledge in a way that completely lit her up. Abigail has now created the tried and trusted Illuminate Method™. Based on your date, time and place of birth, Abigail designs a unique map of your personality and aura that gives insights into your most effective style of working, how to build better relationships and the environments that make you thrive. This is used as a blueprint to show you how to be more confidently expressed so you can attract opportunities into your life and business and ultimately, create success, ease and inner fulfilment. Abigail is also a speaker and speaks about topics from the list below (but not limited to this); →How to use Human Design to grow a successful business. →How to be more visible →How to feel more confident →Overcoming limiting beliefs →How to dress for confidence Abigail is able to share her experience as well as inspire the audience. She is able to adapt the above to speak about topics that may be of interest to your particular audience. To find out more please visit


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