
Mwati Mwila

By Mwati Mwila
Author, Poet, Mental Illness Advocate, Mentor and Speaker

World / Poetry



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Author, Poet, Mental Illness Advocate, Mentor and Speaker

Hi My name is Mwati Mwila and I am an author, poet mental illness advocate, mentor and speaker. I suffer from bipolar one disorder and that alone has filled me to become greater and to influence other suffers to keep on going. I have authored two books one is a poetry book and the other one is my memoir called “ Strengthening Your Identity While the Show is in Front of You.” I talk about my illness, suicidal attempts, mania, trauma and overcoming adversity as a as a black woman with a disorder. I’m passionate about educating the youth by speaking, so that you can prevent mental illness and equipped people with the correct tools and resources. I believe we have to work together and have that conversation that is really had especially in underdeveloped communities. It’s time to remove the stigma and galvanize action.

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