
Daniel Samms

By Daniel Samms
I am passionate about the Word of God and helping people overcome their mental struggles

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I am passionate about the Word of God and helping people overcome their mental struggles

Hi! My name is D.M. Samms. In 2004, I was entangled with drug and alcohol dependency, and lived in my car. Then, Jesus scraped the bottom of the barrel, found me, and transformed my life. I have spent almost two decades serving the Lord through any means necessary, including street evangelism and preaching in pulpits. Through it all, I struggled with severe bouts of depression, including one particularly bad five year episode. I did not know what I was going through, but I needed freedom. So I began to seek out the healing that God promises in His Word. The same healing I had been telling others about for years. Through obedience to the Scriptures and faith in Jesus Christ, I have been delivered from depression!! Glory to God! But God wanted to use that freedom for His purpose. So, I wrote a book detailing my journey and subsequent revelation of overcoming depression biblically, called Storm Breakers: Silence the Storm of Depression. It has helped many to make sense of what they are going through, and understand how to conquer it. I now speak about depression and other topics at conferences and have a Biblical Counseling practice, where I help others Silence the Storm of their mental turmoil. Remember: ALL things are possible through Christ Jesus, the Word made Flesh who dwelt among us.


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