John Edmiston
By John Edmiston
A Practical and Biblical Approach to Life Transformation, Motivation and Spiritual Growth
World / Emotional Intelligence
A Practical and Biblical Approach to Life Transformation, Motivation and Spiritual Growth
John Edmiston is the author of Biblical EQ: How To Become An Emotionally Intelligent Christian and has a double major in psychology, post-graduate theological qualifications and a decade in career and workplace counseling. He has also spent many years doing evangelical Christian ministry. John has helped thousands of people to transform their lives, their emotions and their careers. He believes that love is the goal, Christ is the model, the Bible is the textbook and the Holy Spirit is the power for personal transformation. General ideas are insufficient! People desperately need help with the specific problem they are encountering and may remain stuck for years until they find their own particular way forward. John combines the best insights of theology and psychology to move people forward in life!