
sandra l snavely

By sandra l snavely
Sandy's Words Offer Hope To Hurting Hearts

World / widower




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Sandy's Words Offer Hope To Hurting Hearts

Sandy Snavely shares her love for Jesus by using her artistic skills to paint pictures with words and turn them into messages that matter. As an author, speaker, artist, and former radio talk show host, she has developed a deep sense of the universal needs of the human heart; to be seen, known, loved and forgiven. In her latest book "As One Who Has Hope—In The Journey Through Missing," Sandy invites her readers to walk with her through her first five years of widowhood as she shares her story, poetry, and biblical wisdom with unabridged honesty. Her mini-gatherings "From Devastation To Restoration," provides widows and widowers to enter into the stories of Noah and Abraham so they can rise with hope and confidence in the eternal promises spoken by God himself to those who are walking alone in their journey through missing. Sandy lives in Gresham, Oregon. She has two grown children, one loved daughter-in-law, two amazing grandchildren and Mimzy - God's gift of feline companionship.

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