
John Chetro Szivos

By John Chetro Szivos
Insight into the value of critical thinking and understanding the complexity of communication.

💜 OMG, important

💤 NBD, not that important

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Insight into the value of critical thinking and understanding the complexity of communication.

I hold a Ph.D. in communication, an MBA, and a graduate degree in counseling. I held the rank of full professor and dean. Before life in academia, I served as the CEO of behavioral healthcare organizations. I have published journal articles, book chapters, and books on thought, communication, and improving business skills. In addition, I have consulted with both international and domestic organizations, including the World Health Organization, Electricity of France, and Tianjin Medical School. I aim to unify practical knowledge with theory to help people discover their inherent talents and abilities. My recent book, On Becoming a Critical Thinker: Awakening Your Business Superpower, offers business professionals a pathway to sharpening their focus and developing the skills to succeed in their profession, work, and personal life.


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