

By Mónica
My mission is to guide people on the path toward awakening.

⭐️ OMG, important

➕ NBD, not that important

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My mission is to guide people on the path toward awakening.

Author of 9 books on personal and spiritual development, she studied for many years with great spiritual masters in India and Nepal (including teachings by the Dalai Lama). Mónica is considered a reference in the Hispanic world in bringing the best of the Eastern and Western currents. She guides retreats and teaches workshops and has been working as a Transformational coach since 2008. In addition to that, she is a Regression and Healing Therapist. Mónica Esgueva was honored as one of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain and one of the Top 10 “Thinkers and Experts Awards” in 2014. … “My mission is to guide people on the path toward awakening. I do that by first helping them identify their wounds and then healing, by assisting them in overcoming their challenges, and by teaching them how to take a higher perspective in everyday life.”

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