
Lexie Rayburn

By Lexie Rayburn
Transform Your Home, Transform Your Life: Podcast Guest Opportunity with a Holistic Interior Designe...



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Transform Your Home, Transform Your Life: Podcast Guest Opportunity with a Holistic Interior Designer, Feng Shui Consultant, and Reiki Healer

Meet the visionary behind Holistic Havens, Lexie. As the company founder, mindful designer, Reiki healer, and Feng Shui practitioner, Lexie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the realm of holistic interior design. Growing up, Lexie was always keeping her spaces organized and tidy, dreaming up new ideas for what color to paint her bedroom, and shifting decor pieces just the tiniest bit throughout the house. Her mother first exposed her to Feng Shui when she was in her teens, and she has carried that knowledge and curiosity with her into her adult life. Lexie has a Masters Degree in Arts + Culture, and she double majored in both Environmental Sustainability and Journalism as an undergraduate. She's a trained BTB Feng Shui Consultant, Certified True Color Paint Expert, Reiki healer, and yoga instructor

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